Hitung Mundur
Menuju Hari Bahagia
Dan nikahkanlah orang-orang yang masih membujang di antara kamu, dan juga orang-orang yang layak (menikah) dari hamba-hamba sahayamu yang laki-laki dan perempuan. Jika mereka miskin, Allah akan memberi kemampuan kepada mereka dengan karunia-Nya. Dan Allah Mahaluas (pemberian-Nya), Maha Mengetahui.
- Q.S An-Nur: 32 -
Waktu & Tempat
08.00 WIB
s/d Selesai
Bertempat Di
Masjid Sabilillah Malang
(Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 15, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur)
11.00 WIB
s/d 14.00 WIB
Bertempat Di
Auditorium Sabilillah Malang
(Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 15, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur)
Bertempat Di
Auditorium Sabilillah Malang
Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 15, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur
Perjalanan yang tak terlupakan, dan perjalanan yang mengubah tujuan hidup kami
very first time we met as a stranger. Luckily, we love the same thing, basketball. Both of us are basketball players and we got the same number by chance, number 6. And July 19th 2020 we met for the first time at basketball court, and we became friends from that moment.
We accidentally on a double date. We threw a birthday surprise for our friend who technically our cupid a moment later.
Long short story we planned a trip to Yogyakarta with our best friends. And there were where our love story begins, from a simple gesture as a friend who took care each other while the rain poured Yogyakarta it became a spark in our heart. We fell in love as our heart beat so hard.
We knew we miss each other while we were away, we spared time to take a call to each other, we were sure enough that we fell in love. So we were officially dating.
A day after we celebrated Elba’s birthday in Yogyakarta, Elba proposed to Febri in Space Coffee Roastery. That day, the world were spinning so fast and Yogyakarta suddenly became the warmest place ever.
We finally decided to tie the knot, to dock the ship, to become one, to be together forever as a husband and wife till death do us apart in this world, and we hope we’ll be reunited in Jannah.
Konfirmasi Kehadiran
Do'a & ucapan
Kepada Kedua Mempelai
Merupakan suatu kehormatan dan kebahagiaan bagi kami, apabila Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/ i berkenan hadir, untuk memberikan do'a restu kepada kami.
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